Sławomir Mistewicz


Managing Partner
email: slawomir.mistewicz@kancelariagmw.pl

Graduate of the Faculty of Law of the Warsaw University, lawyer. His professional life dedicated for creating and leading companies in various professional fields, mainly as a manager in companies that he organized and co-organized. As part of its long-term practice of working and introduced on the company's market profile trading. He founded, among others, Sp. Ars. Antiqua as co-owner, Wydawnictwo Spectrum as publisher. He was a director of one of the companies within the PWN group. As a shareholder he organized and managed marketing field of company Computer Group. He is currently a managing partner in the Law Firm Zofia Krakowian Witkowska and Partners sp. k. and in the Commercial and Consumer Law Office Witkowska & Partnerzy.

Zofia Krakowian-Witkowska


Legal Advisor, Partner
email: zofia.witkowska@kancelariagmw.pl

Graduate of the Faculty of Law of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Member of the District Bar Association of Legal Advisers in Warszawa.

  • long term experience in cooperation with banks,
  • specialises in vindation of debts including mediation, court’s proceeding and law enforcement proceedings,
  • provides comprehensive services to business entities, including advice and supporting actions to persons starting a business activity in Poland, issues related to daily activities - negotiating and concluding contracts, hiring employees

Bożena Zegarska


Legal Advisor

Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw. Member of the District Bar Association of Legal Advisers in Warszawa.

  • specializes in bank law, commercial companies law, bill of exchange law, bankruptcy law, restructuring law, civil law, and labor law,
  • experience in providing legal services to corporations, including financial institutions (banks, pension funds, investment fund companies, insurance companies) and small and medium-sized enterprises,
  • preparation and review of draft agreements, including loan agreements within the consortium and other documents related to e.g. securing receivables,
  • representation in court disputes before common courts, including commercial, bankruptcy and enforcement proceedings,
  • registration and transformation of companies,
  • comprehensive legal advice in the field of labor law.

Stanisław Witkowski PhD, LL.M.

Stanisław Witkowski

Legal Advisor, Partner
email: stanislaw.witkowski@kancelariagmw.pl

Doctor of Laws of the Polish Academy of Sciences, graduate of the Faculties of Law at Warsaw university, Central European University in Budapest (Hungary) and Regensburg University (Germany) and the Warsaw School of Economics. Member of the District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Warsaw

  • profound experience in the field of consumer protection law and antymonopoly law obtained while working at the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection as a legal advisor,
  • broad experience in the field of comprehensive legal services for entrepreneurs (corporate matters, contracts, internal regulations),
  • specializes in the preparation and analysis of various types of contracts, mainly commercial,
  • very extensive trial experience (over 100 pending court cases) before common and administrative courts and international tribunals.

Karol Trzaska

Karol Trzaska

Adwokat, Absolwent Wydziału Prawa Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku.

W latach 2006 - 2009 odbył etatową aplikację sądową, którą zakończył złożonym egzaminem sędziowskim. Następnie w okresie 2010-2011 orzekał jako referendarz sądowy w Krajowym Rejestrze Sądowym Sądu Rejonowego dla m.st . Warszawy w Warszawie. W roku 2011 został wpisany na listę adwokatów Izby Adwokackiej w Warszawie. Specjalizuje się w obsłudze prawnej podmiotów gospodarczych w zakresie:

Prawo korporacyjne:
- zakładanie i rejestrowanie spółek w sądzie rejestrowym, sporządzanie i zmiana umów spółek, przekształcanie spółek, podnoszenie kapitału zakładowego, podejmowanie uchwał przez organy spółek,
- zmiana zarządu spółki, zmiana wspólników spółki, likwidacja spółki

Prawo karne i karno-skarbowe:
- m.in. reprezentacja podejrzanego w postępowaniu przygotowawczym, obrona oskarżonego w postępowaniu karnym przed sądem, udział w postępowaniu wykonawczym, reprezentowanie praw pokrzywdzonego przestępstwem w szczególności
- przestępstwo oszustwa, ucieczka z majątku sprzed egzekucji komorniczej.

The Law Firm cooperates with legal advisers and advocates specializing in different fields of law of supplementing the knowledge and experience of Partners.